Digital transformation to grow your company

Amet, in viverra nullam vestibulum. Blandit orci duis elit, eget cursus quam nec. Ut in arcu lectus enim magna.

95% of new digital products and 84% of digital transformations fail

35% of new digital products fail, with the reason for their failure being a lack of demand in the market. These flaws result from a dearth of user and market research. You can test your idea with Centrowareand increase the likelihood that your product launch will be successful.

Why you should choose product management services

All-in-one – a product expert will drive the development of your project

Build the right thing

Reach a product-market fit. Deliver features and products that your customers will use and buy.

Boost chances of product success

Market validation will help you learn how to make improvements and lower the likelihood of failure.

Align market needs

Identify and align to market needs to reach better ROI and meet business objectives.

Research and understand the market

Understanding your target market, spotting trends, and doing research will give you an advantage.

Utilize skilled product managers to help you develop your product.

You can rely on our knowledgeable, comprehensive approach and entrepreneurial enthusiasm to help you create useful, functional software.

Product Squad

We create more than just software. We fully assign a cross-functional Product Squad to develop your product.

Product Consulting

Not all product managers work full-time. When you require ad hoc product consultation, we provide.

Product Manager

Whether you need a permanent or temporary Product Manager on your team, we’re here to help.

Product workshops

With workshops focused on Product Research, Discovery, and Validation services, gain quick-use insights.

What is the role of a software Product Manager?

At every level of the product development process, a software product manager is a market-obsessed individual who is committed to producing the highest valuable version of a particular product that will optimize business objectives for an organization.
The individual in this position assumes a lot of responsibility and performs a variety of tasks at the interface of business, user experience, and technology. We follow the Agile methodology because a Software Product Manager must be able to maintain agility.
A concept for a business need can be transformed into actual, working software using the agile methodology, which entails continuous planning, learning, and improvement as well as cross-functional self-organizing team collaboration and iterative development and delivery.